Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not covered within the list below please do not hesitate to get in touch with us
Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not covered within the list below please do not hesitate to get in touch with us
What happens at the initial visit?
At the first visit a full examination is carried out and records such as photographs, X-rays if necessary, and an intra oral scan of your teeth is taken. A detailed analysis of your records will then be performed to devise the best treatment plan for you. This treatment plan will be discussed with you in detail once your records have been assessed. The cost of the consultation is €150. This covers the cost of your first two appointments.
How long does treatment take?
Orthodontic treatment varies on a case by case basis but the average treatment time is 18-24 months.
What age should I be assessed by an orthodontist?
Orthodontic treatment can begin at any age but Dr. Bowe recommends in general that children are seen around 9-10 for an initial assessment. Many orthodontic problems are easier to correct if detected at an early age before jaw growth has slowed. A lot of the time, comprehensive orthodontic treatment is delayed until the patient has lost the majority of their primary teeth. However there are exceptions when we can begin treatment before the age of 9. Dr Bowe will discuss this with you where appropriate.
Some signs that you may benefit from orthodontic treatment?
Click on each title below to view photos of some of the various signs that you may benefit from Orthodontic treatment:
What is interceptive orthodontic treatment?
Interceptive treatment, is limited orthodontic treatment (e.g., an expander or partial braces) before all of the permanent teeth have erupted. Such treatment can occur between the ages of 7 and 10. This treatment is sometimes recommended to make more space for developing teeth, correction of crossbites, overbites, and underbites, or harmful oral habits. This approach is used if it is felt that waiting may cause a more difficult treatment plan or a less desirable outcome.
Do braces hurt?
The placement of fixed braces on your teeth does not hurt but there may be some mild soreness or discomfort for 2-3 days following placement of your brace as your teeth start to move. It normally takes a week or two for your lips and cheeks to get used to the brace on your teeth.
Can adults have orthodontic treatment?
Yes, orthodontic treatment can be carried out on both children and adults. Dr Bowe recommends that adults considering orthodontic treatment have a comprehensive dental check up with your dentist prior to starting any orthodontic treatment.
How long do I have to wear retainers at the end of treatment?
Patients are given retainers to wear at night at the end of their treatment. Some fixed wire retainers may be placed also behind the front teeth where appropriate. The evidence shows that retainers need to be worn long term indefinitely.
Can I play sports while wearing braces?
Yes. It is recommended, however, that patients wear a mouthguard when participating in any sporting activity. There are mouthguards available that fit over your braces.
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